Thursday, August 4, 2011

Summer's Coming to an End

Well, Summer is just about over for this household. We plan on finishing up the school clothes shopping tomorrow and then Emma will be set for school. I've already printed up a schedule for her to follow. I just can't believe it's time for her to start school. Time goes way too fast.

She's counting down on the calendar. It seems the anxiety I had is very little at this point. It's becoming a very exciting time for the both of us. At night, she watches the clock for bedtime. And when it's time, she says it. I just can't believe how much she has grown since we've explained to her about school.

She's very excited that her daddy will be here and so will her grandmother. I'm sure we all will be crying but what parent wouldn't... (unless it's the second or third child) LOL

Well, thanks for reading. I will post pictures of Emma getting ready and getting on the bus. I'd love it if we all could give her a little bit of cheering I could read to her. This way she can see that not only does mommy and daddy think she's a big girl... but so do all of you. Thanks in advance. <3


Jessica said...


I'm a new follower from the Friday Blog Hop!! I have a five year old son who will be entering Kindergarten this year! I can totally understand what you are saying about the crying on the first day of school LOL!! Please come visit my blog when you have a chance!!

jellybelly said...

How exciting for all of you! I can't wait myself for my little one to start school.

Visiting from Fun Friday bloghop!

The Twerp and I

Beth in NC said...

Came over from Monday Madness. I'm a new follower. My daughter just started Kindergarten and sniff, sniff ... it is a big step!

I hope you'll visit me.


Hug a tree with me said...

I'm your newest follower from the hop:) check me out at whenever u can


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