1. My current weather is _______?
2. What is your favorite sound?
5. What is your favorite condiment?
My Answers:
My Current Weather is:
A little on the cold side but thankfully there's no rain or snow added into the mix.
My Favorite Sound is:
A Thunderstorm. I sleep like a baby when they hit at night. I just love cuddling up on the couch with my family watching movies or reading when one hits during the day.
My Favorite Flavor of Ice Cream is:
Cookies and Cream :) Yummy!!
I normally don't look for a magazine. I pull out my Nook Color and read.
My favorite condiment would be
Hi! I'm a new follower via Google Friend Connect. :) Found you through the Blog Hop! Hopefully you can stop by and enter my giveaway for a $50.00 GameStop Gift Card that ends 11/12.
-Ai Mei
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