Monday, October 31, 2011

Meet Me On Monday- Blog Hop

Hope this post finds the reader doing well. Take a look at one awesome blog hop I'm doing today:


1. My current weather is _______?

2. What is your favorite sound?
3. What is the worst flavor of ice cream?
4. What magazine do you look for when you are stuck in the waiting room?
5. What is your favorite condiment?

My Answers:

My Current Weather is:
A little on the cold side but thankfully there's no rain or snow added into the mix.

My Favorite Sound is:

A Thunderstorm. I sleep like a baby when they hit at night. I just love cuddling up on the couch with my family watching movies or reading when one hits during the day.

My Favorite Flavor of Ice Cream is:

Cookies and Cream :)   Yummy!!

I normally don't look for a magazine. I pull out my Nook Color and read.

My favorite condiment would be


Ai Mei said...

Hi! I'm a new follower via Google Friend Connect. :) Found you through the Blog Hop! Hopefully you can stop by and enter my giveaway for a $50.00 GameStop Gift Card that ends 11/12.

-Ai Mei


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